Monday, 21 April 2014

Ashtakvarga -- What's in it for you?

Analyzing a birth chart and making correct predictions requires  many different principles of Astrology and making fine compromises and judgments,which is easier said than done. If that wouldn't be so, there would be hardly any need of a Human Astrologer in these times of silicon microchips and computers.

Scientists and Rationalists have  for the longest time tried to downgrade Astrology as a gimmick, a pseudoscience etc. which in itself is an evidence that it is not a Linear science, hence making correct predictions does not only requires Astrology but also the Astrologer.


Sage Parasara said that Astrology is difficult for even great Maharshis who are detached from worldly desires -Maya. In Kali Yuga, human beings become sinful and the sins kill their intelligence. Parasara said that the intellectual pygmies of Kali Yuga cannot cope with too many complicated principles of Astrology as described in Classical Astrological treatises like  Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra and presented Ashtakavarga as a simple technique that lets them make reasonable predictions without much fuss.

Ashtaka means “consisting of eight” and varga means “a group”. Ashtakavarga is the system of analyzing a chart with respect to a group of 8 reference points.

Now which are these reference points ? Well , first here are the seven (7) planets --yes, 7 not 9 , as we do not include Rahu and Ketu in Ashtakvarga calculations. More on this later.

So we have 7 planets as the reference points and the the Lagna, making it 8 (Ashtak) .

The Ashtakavarga system is a method of calculating the powers of the planets relative to each other. Therefore, it can be used in any chart  i.e. all the divisional charts, along with Chalita Bhava charts (diurnal charts) and even with Horary Astrology. This system also gives the power of each planet for all twelve houses. For each and every house, all seven planets contribute their power or strength in terms of numerical value. This makes it easy to compare the powers of the planets for each house. There is no other system which can give such a clear cut view of the comparative strengths of all the planets.

By employing the Ashtakavarga system along with other principals, the following  can be determined with great accuracy :
        1) Predicting the general strengths of the planets and the houses
        2) Anticipating certain important events in a person's life
        3) Forecasting dasha results
        4) Overall life readings
        5) Profession of the person
        6) Timing events for important results
        7) Day to day power of the horoscope and results
        8) Major achievements in the life.
        9) Prasna Charts
      10) Political and Social forecasting (Mundane)
      11) Transit results

The powers of the planets depends on its relative position versus other planets.  This can be judged at a glance the Ashtakavarga chart. Making a judgment of the planet only by its sign or placement in a particular house without considering the planet's power with respect to other planets doesn't give an accurate assessment of the overall picture.
In the Ashtakavarga system, the Ashtakavarga charts are cast using the natal chart and the benefic points.

The individual Ashtakavarga chart is also known as the Bhinnashtakavarga.

The combined effect given in one chart is known as the total Ashtakavarga chart or the Sarvashtakavarga

The individual chart and the  Sarvashtakavarga  charts are both required for calculation purposes.


 The total of benefic and malefic points in a house, for a planet is eight (8).

If the benefic points are known, then automatically we know the malefic points. Eight minus the benefic points gives the malefic points. The total benefic and malefic points in a house in sarvashtakavarga always comes to 56. There are seven planets and each contributes eight points, so 7 X 8 = 56. Hence, if we know the benefic points, obviously malefic points are also known. (56 less the benefic points = the malefic points).

For example, if a house contributes 28 benefic points, it means it still has 28 malefic points remaining. Therefore the result of that house will be normal. The house that gets less than 28 benefic points will give less of a result as indicated by that house. Similarly if any house contributes more than 28 points then the results denoted by that house will be enhanced.  The grand total of all the benefic points distributed by the seven planets and the lagna always total 337.

The contribution of each planet As given in the Ashtakavarga chart of that planet, is given in the next post..........


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