Friday, 23 May 2014

Transit of Moon - Role of Ashtakvarga

‘Moon’ is a planet of paramount importance in the study of Birth-Charts. Though conventionally, Sun and Moon are not considered to be as planets, in the realms of astrology, these are not just considered to be the planets, but planets of authoritarian repute.

Moon is said to be the creator of mind. To support this fact, I am putting below a golden reference, taken from Purusha Suktam’ (Purusha sukta is hymn 10.90 of the Rigveda, dedicated to the Purusha, the 'Cosmic Being') directly;

Chandrama Manaso Jayatha – (meaning) ‘Mind arose from the Moon directly’

Moon represents the ‘Shakti’ (giant reservoir of feminine energy), and Sun represents the ‘Shiva’ (giant reservoir of masculine energy). Sun is connected with the day time, and Moon is connected with the night time. The movement of Sun and Moon (dance of Shiva & Shakti) together is said to be the basis of grand equilibrium in the universe.

Moon has the ability to behave in dual ways (benefic as well as malefic) in its intrinsic nature. While the Moon is waxing, it behaves as a benefic influence over rest of the planets, and while the Moon is waning, it behaves as a malefic influence over rest of the planets. It is important to note that ‘Intrinsic Nature’ of rest of the planets is either Benefic or Malefic, and the Moon is singled out in its ability to act as ‘Benefic’ or ‘Malefic’ depending over its phase.

Moon represents Mind, Mother, Wealth.

Moon has been rightly bestowed with stellar importance in Vedic Astrology by preparation of separate natal chart using Moon as Ascendant.

Benefic Moon indicates joy, content, enthusiasm, hope and peace of mind while malefic moon indicates worries, depression, suicidal tendency and pessimistic attitude.

Results of Transits:

If Moon is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 0 to 3 benefic points, below mentioned results are obtained.
Worries, anxiety, irritability, worry due to relatives, sickness of mother, sorrows, affliction of diseases, poverty, and litigation.

If Moon is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 4 benefic points, average results (mixed in nature) are obtained. This might mean that something good happens, interspersed with something bad, with respect to areas of Moon’s influence.

If Moon is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 5-8 benefic points, below mentioned results are obtained.
Wealth, friendships and romance, escalated imaginative power of mind, comforts of daily life, popularity, good health of mother.

Rightly enough, Moon has been imparted the pivotal importance in astrology as it governs entire personality of the native in terms of psychological evolution and tendencies of the mind.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Transit of Sun - Role of Ashtakvarga

Sun is the primordial source of energy. Every living being derives the life energy from Sun directly or indirectly, in some or the other form. Plants make food by the process of photosynthesis, which can take place only in the presence of sunlight. Herbivores are dependent over food made by plants and carnivores are dependent over their animate preys. Thus, stability of ecosystem and food-chain is dependent over energy of Sun.

There is a significant difference between Sun and the remaining planets. Sun generates energy of its own, while the planets are not able to do so. So, Sun is a very important and powerful influence over anybody’s birth-chart.

It is important to take a note of total benefic points that Sun has got in its Sarvashtakvarga (SAV), in the native’s birth chart. The obtained number of benefic points in this regards give an overall idea of Sun’s dominance and influence over other planets and signs.

Ashtakvarga system of astrology has a unique role in predicting results obtained during transits of various planets. At the time of its transit, Sun will produce results based on 2 factors;
  •         Sun’s Bhinnashtakavarga score
  •       Based on the number of benefic points in Sun’s Ashtakvarga chart, various planets in their transits would yield results based on the matters over which Sun has the decisive authority.

Let us take a simple, yet effective example to understand the concepts of Ashtakvarga and transits of planets (Sun being the planet of interest in this example). To understand this example, lets open Sun’s Ashtakvarga chart (remember, we are not talking about Sarvashtakvarga, as Sarvashtakvarga is Ashtakvarga Chart of complete birth-chart i.e. all the planets taken together, and not that of an individual planet).

Now, suppose Sun is in transit, and while transit, it moves over various signs (rasis).

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 0 benefic points, death is likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 1 benefic points, sickness, worries and miseries of all kinds are likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 2 benefic points, wrongdoings, despair, theft, quarrels are likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 3 benefic points, troubles of physical body, troubles of mind (wandering mind, worried mind, confused mind etc) are likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 4 benefic points, mixed results would be obtained. There would be chances of increased income, increased resources, and increased expenses as well

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 5 benefic points, inclination to learning new things, enhanced wealth and resources, company of noble and helpful persons is likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 6 benefic points, wealth, fame, acquiring of new vehicle, fame and success is likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 7 benefic points, happiness, courage, success through women is likely

If Sun is transiting over a sign (rasi) which has 8 benefic points, wealth, unmatched glory, royal honour, universal acceptance and respect is likely

Note: Currently Sun is transiting through Taurus (Vrishabh) rasi, and would be entering Gemini (Mithuna) rasi on 15th June.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Significance of Twelfth House

Twelfth house signifies
  • Private enemies
  • Law suits
  • Imprisonments
  • Losses and impediments
  • Secret desires, needs and motives
  • Moksha
  • Hospitalization
  • Conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate
  • Success through occult affairs
  • Sorrows
  • Debts
  • Lost articles
  • Involvement in scandals
  • Disgrace and insults
  • Secret sorrows

Body Parts: Ankles, Shin bone, Right leg, Left ear and Left arm

Type/s of queries or events related to the twelfth house include;

  • Repayment of Debt or Loan
  • Recovery of Lost article
  • Secret or occult activities as profession
  • Imprisonment
  • Receipt of secret documents
  • Absconding
  • Success in research
  • Chances in Export Business
  • Chances of Foreign Travel
  • Gains in Investment
  • Losses in Investment
  • Danger from getting engaged in secret activities

Significance of Eleventh House

Eleventh house signifies

  • Accumulated wealth
  • Elder siblings and relationship with them
  • Love affairs
  • Friends
  • Fluctuating money gains
  • Friends
  • Honor
  • Social success 
  • Social activities
  • Emotional attachments

Body Parts: Ankles, Shin bone, Right leg, Left ear and Left arm

Type/s of queries or events related to the eleventh house include;

  • Queries pertaining to love affairs
  • Social status
  • Relationship with elder brothers and sisters
  • Satisfaction of Desires
  • Sexual relationship with friend

Significance of Tenth House

Tenth house signifies
  • Professional Life
  • Status in life
  • Social activities
  • General Pleasures
  • Social reputation and Honor
  • Power and authority
  • Government favor
  • Trade & Business
  • Command
  • Occupation
  • Adopted son

Body Parts: Knee, Patella, Joints, Bones, Musculoskeletal system, Hair

Type/s of queries or events related to the tenth house include;

  • Professional Service or Business
  • Commission as Business
  • Social reputation and fame
  • Retirement from Job (Compulsory or Voluntary)
  • Promotion in Service or Business
  • Problems in Business or Service
  • Suspension in Service
  • Termination from service
  • Publications as Profession
  • Law as Profession
  • Politics as Profession
  • Teaching as Profession
  • Export Business
  • Healthcare Practice as Profession

Significance of Ninth House

Ninth house signifies
  • Religion, Law, Philosophy
  • Higher education
  • Dreams, powers of foresight, intuition and perceptions
  • Foreign travel
  • Long journeys (Ships, air-travel)
  • Publicity
  • Religion
  • Higher education
  • Learning
  • Writing books
  • Faith
  • Wisdom
  • Prosperity
  • Religious institutions
  • Providential help

Body Parts: Thighs, Left leg, Thigh bones, Bone marrow, Hip joints and the Arterial system

Type/s of queries or events related to the ninth house include;

  • Long Journeys
  • Higher education
  • Second Marriage
  • Third Child
  • Father’s proneness to sickness
  • Success in spiritual discipline
  • Politics as Profession

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Significance of Eighth House

Eighth house signifies

  • Diseases
  • Death
  • Finances through unfair means
  • Longevity
  • Obstacles
  • Dowry and gain from in laws
  • Mode of death
  • Imprisonment
  • Worries
  • Privations
  • Interest in occultism
  • Social Status & Power

Body Parts: Internal sex organs, Urinary bladder, Scrotum, Anus, Excretory organs, Pelvic bone

Type/s of queries or events related to the eighth house include;

  • Criminal Profession
  • Unexpected Gains and losses
  • Receipt of Gifts
  • Ornaments from Inheritance
  • Money from Inheritance
  • Property and vehicle from inheritance
  • Recovery of lost articles
  • Unnatural death
  • Death due to accident
  • Death due to sickness
  • Mental Depression
  • Surgery as a profession

Significance of Seventh House

Seventh house signifies

  • Spouse (wife or husband)
  • Partnership
  • Conjugal happiness
  • Marriage
  • Married life
  • Litigation
  • Divorce
  • Honor in society
  • Reputation in foreign country
  • Success in foreign travels
  • Dangers in life
  • Physical and mental disposition of spouse
  • Arts, music, beauty

Body Parts: Kidneys, Lower half of the back, Pelvic girdle, Lumbar region, Urinary bladder, External sexual organs, Uterus, Cervix, Ovaries, testicles and Prostate gland

Type/s of queries or events related to the seventh house include;

  • Marriage
  • Second child
  • Marital engagement
  • Partnership
  • Theft
  • Danger from opponents
  • Loans from Bank

Significance of Sixth House

Sixth house signifies

State of Health
Paternal relations
Subordinates and co-workers
Obstacles in life
Mental worries
Routine chores of daily life
Behavior at work
Minor obligations and servitude

Body Parts: Waist, Navel, Lower abdomen, Kidneys, Small intestine, Upper part of large intestine, Intestinal function, Appendix

Type/s of queries or events related to the sixth house include;

Type and Nature of Disease
Promise of Loan
Secret activities of Partner
Success in Competition
Success in Litigation
Recovery from diseases
Disease unknown in medical science
Profession of Medical Practitioner
Legal profession

Significance of Fifth House

Fifth house signifies

  • Children
  • Speculation
  • Intellectual status
  • Luck
  • Pleasure
  • Love affairs
  • Legal or illegal amusements
  • Moral values (good or bad)
  • Mantra
  • Tantra
  • Religious mindedness
  • Higher learning
  • Wisdom
  • Spiritual practices
  • Creative and recreational activities

Body Parts: Heart, Stomach, Liver, Gall bladder, Pancreas, Spleen, Intestine, Diaphragm, Spine and spinal cord

Type/s of queries or events related to the fifth house include;

  • Child Birth
  • Pregnancy
  • Love Marriage
  • Sexual assault
  • Success in sports
  • Sports as profession
  • Fine arts as profession
  • Film as profession
  • Speculation as profession
  • Child birth by Caesarean Section

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Significance of Fourth House

Fourth house signifies

  • Mother
  • Native's family and ancestors
  • Property
  • Happiness
  • Old age environments
  • Private and public affairs
  • Inheritance
  • Conveyance
  • Domestic surroundings
  • False allegations
  • Agriculture land and its produce
  • House that native comes from and house that native moves in

Body Parts: Breast, chest, heart and lungs, mental disorders, circulatory systems, stomach, digestive system

Type/s of queries or events related to the fourth house include;

  • Basic education
  • Purchase of property, vehicle, furniture
  • Sale of property etc.
  • Laying foundation of a house
  • Occupying a new house or flat
  • Mother’s proclivity to sickness
  • Engineering as subject of study
  • Law as subject of study
  • Fine arts as Subject of study
  • Medicine as subject of study
  • Teaching as Profession

Significance of Third House

Third house signifies

  • Younger brothers and sisters
  • Relations of younger brothers and sisters
  • Courage
  • Intelligence
  • Education
  • Taste for writing
  • Ornaments
  • Clothes
  • Short journeys
  • Signing contracts and documents
  • Communications, messages, letters, writings

Body Parts: Shoulders, arms, the collar bone, hands, lungs and the nervous system

Type/s of queries or events related to the third house include;

  • Signing a contract
  • Starting journey
  • Negotiations
  • Change of place
  • Younger co-born proneness to sickness
  • Profession related to computers
  • Publication as Profession
  • Filing a court case or litigation
  • Obtaining Passport, Green card, Visa

Significance of Second House

Second house signifies

  • Wealth
  • Inflow of finances
  • Family
  • Early age of life
  • Speech
  • Servants and friends
  • Worldly possessions
  • Jewelry
  • Grandfather
  • Understanding with family members Inheritance
  • Law suits
  • Domestic comforts in general
  • Greed and all sorts of possessions
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Memory

Body Parts: Nose, Throat, Mouth, Tongue, Teeth and Eyes (especially the right one)

Type/s of queries or events related to the second house include;

  • Financial Status
  • Obtaining Loans
  • Obtaining Jewelry
  • Defect in Speech
  • Defect in Vision
  • Insurance claims
  • Medical claims
  • Opening bank account

Significance of the First House

First house signifies
  • Life
  • Longevity
  • Spiritual maturity
  • Condition of health
  • Nature of native
  • Physical body and appearance of native
  • Influence in society
  • Talents and skills carried from previous lives
  • Complexion
  • Vitality
Sorrows, gains and profits to younger brothers and his friends are also deduced by this house.

Body Parts: Head and face

Type/s of queries or events related to the first house include;

  • Health
  • Proclivity to disease
  • Unnatural Death and accidents
  • Suicide
  • Success in self efforts
  • Status and Respect in society

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Ascendant's (Lagna) Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Ascendant with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Sun” in the table. This column reveals the benefic and malefic houses for Ascendant (Lagna) to occupy, with respect to Sun.

The 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th houses have 0. So these house from Sun are malefic for Ascendant (Lagna) i.e. if Ascendant (Lagna) is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Sun), it would exert malefic influence.

Similarly for rest of the houses (3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th houses) 1 is placed, ensuring that if Ascendant (Lagna) is placed in these positions (3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th houses) from Sun, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. 

With this post, we have covered basic understanding of all 7 planets and Ascendant (Lagna). In the forthcoming posts, we would discuss various Ashtakvarga principles and their applications in making the best of the predictions. 


Mercury's Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Mercury with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Sun” in the table. This column reveals the benefic and malefic houses for Mercury to occupy, with respect to Sun.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th houses have 0. So these house from Sun are malefic for Mercury i.e. if Mercury is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Sun), it would exert malefic influence.

Similarly for rest of the houses (5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 12th houses) 1 is placed, ensuring that if Mercury is placed in these positions (5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 12th houses) from Sun, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. 

The similar principle applies for the Lagna (Ascendant) as well, about which we would discuss in forthcoming post.


Saturn's Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Saturn with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Sun” in the table. This column reveals the benefic and malefic houses for Saturn to occupy, with respect to Sun.

The 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 12th houses have 0. So these house from Sun are malefic for Saturn i.e. if Saturn is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Sun), it would exert malefic influence.

Similarly for rest of the houses (1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th houses) 1 is placed, ensuring that if Saturn is placed in these positions (1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th houses) from Sun, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. 

The similar principle applies for all the 7 planets and the Lagna (Ascendant).

Jupiter's Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Jupiter with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Sun” in the table. This column reveals the benefic and malefic houses for Jupiter to occupy, with respect to Sun.

The 5th, 6th and 12th houses have 0. So these house from Sun are malefic for Jupiter i.e. if Jupiter is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Sun), it would exert malefic influence.

Similarly for rest of the houses (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th houses) 1 is placed, ensuring that if Jupiter is placed in these positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th houses) from Sun, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. 

The similar principle applies for all the 7 planets and the Lagna (Ascendant).

Hidden Secrets of Vedic Astrology

Moon is a significator of mother (in terms of relation), temperament (in terms of body part), water (in terms of element), as per astrology. Astrological importance of moon varies according to where is moon located in the natal chart in vedic astrology. Moon has been allotted a position equal to, if not higher, than the ascendant sign. 

Vedic astrology is lunar based astrology. The combination of stars around the moon are defined in vedic asdtrology as nakshatras. North and south nodes of the moon are given the rank of shadowy planets called as rahu and ketu respectively. The importance of these nodes cannot be overemphasized in predictive astrology.

The transit of moon which occurs every 2 and 1/4th of a day, across the twelve houses of the natal birth chart can have great implications over the future happenings and events, not only in a persons life but sometimes the life cycle of nations and the world as a whole, as has been described in mundane astrology.

Western astrology is more dependent on sunsigns hence has less flexibility owing to the long period of transit of sun across the natal birth chart as compared to the vbery short duration of time that the moon stays in one house of the natal chart as a representative example (certainly not exhaustive) the combination of moon and venus, either during the transit or in the natal birth chart can mean significant damage to love life / marriage. The logic behind this has to be appreciated rather than blindly believed.

Both Moon and Venus have been allotted white color, feminine gender and a cool aura (as per the rules of vedic astrology), still they are not friendly if placed together in the same house. It is not uncommon to see 2 persons of the same caliber vying for the same post of power inimical to each other. In the same way an overactive moon (emotional behavior) can not take care of passionate relationships over a long period of tuime and hence is the recipe of disaster.

I hope even this illustration is a small but concrete representation that vedic astrology is based on logics and not surmises and conjectures. The forthcoming post wil shed more light on such planetary combinations which you will realize are effective but still not rocket-science.

I wished to keep it simple but not simpler.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Mars Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Mars with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Sun” in the table. This column reveals the benefic and malefic houses for Mars to occupy, with respect to Sun.

The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses have 0. So these house from Sun are malefic for Mars i.e. if Mars is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Sun), it would exert malefic influence.

Similarly for rest of the houses (5th, 6th, 10th, 11th) 1 is placed, ensuring that if Mars is placed in these positions (5th, 6th, 10th, 11th houses) from Sun, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. 

The similar principle applies for all the 7 planets and the Lagna (Ascendant), about which we would discuss in forthcoming, individual posts.

Venus Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Venus with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Sun” in the table. This column reveals the benefic and malefic houses for Venus to occupy, with respect to Sun. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses have 0. So these house from Sun are malefic for Venus i.e. if Venus is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Sun), it would exert malefic influence. Similarly for rest of the houses (8th, 11th, 12th) 1 is placed, ensuring that if Venus is placed in these positions (8th, 11th, 12th houses) from Sun, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. 

The similar principle applies for all the 7 planets and the Lagna (Ascendant), about which we would discuss in forthcoming, individual posts.

Moon's Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Moon with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

Basics about entries in each cell of the table:

As explained in one of the previous posts, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Mars” in the table. This column reveals the benefic houses for Moon to occupy, with respect to Mars. The 1st and 2nd houses have 0 and 1. So the first house from Mars is malefic for Moon and the 2nd house is benefic for Moon. Similarly if we proceed ahead, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th houses have 1, ensuring that if Moon is placed in 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th house from Mars, it would behave as a benefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart. On the same note, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th houses have 0, and hence if Moon is placed in one of these houses (with respect to Mars), it would exert malefic influence.

The similar principle applies for all the 7 planets and the Lagna (Ascendant), about which we would discuss in forthcoming, individual posts.

Sun's Ashtakvarga: Basic Understanding

The benefic and malefic houses for Sun with respect to all the 8 references (7 planets and Lagna i.e. Ascendant) are given in the table below;

As explained in the previous post, an entry of 0 denotes a malefic position or a bindu (dot), and an entry of 1 denotes a benefic position or a rekha (line). A bindu (dot) is also called as a "karana", and a rekha (line) is also called as a "sthana".

How to read the table:

To get a quick and easy understanding of this ashtakvarga chart, let us take few examples.

Let us refer to the column titled “Moon” in the table. This column reveals the benefic houses for Sun to occupy, with respect to Moon. The 1st and 2nd houses have 0 and the 3rd house has 1. So the first 2 houses from Moon are malefic for Sun and the 3rd house is benefic for Sun. Similarly if we proceed ahead, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses have 0, ensuring that if Sun is placed in 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th house from Moon, it would behave as a malefic influence due to its positional array in ashtakvarga chart.

The similar principle applies for all the 7 planets and the Lagna (Ascendant), about which we would discuss in forthcoming, individual posts.